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Index no. 0016
This work was published in Leipzig, by Weidmann'sche Buchhandlung, in 1840.
It consists of 36 pages of text; the maps presented here; and four double-page tables of numbers presenting the same information that is displayed in the maps.
This copy was once the property of Sir John Carruthers Beattie, the first Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town. In 1931 he presented it to the Library of the University.
The area defined by the borders of the odd-numbered maps measures 365 by 208 mm.
Only plate 1 has any colour. The other plates appear here in monochrome (and the corresponding jpgs for sale are also in monochrome).
Scan at 600 d.p.i.
Abut the two scans made of each plate, leaving a black line