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Index no. 0024

Atlas to History of the Waterloo Campaign

William Siborne

Atlas to William Siborne's History of the Waterloo Campaign, 1844

This page links to scans of the maps from William Siborne's History of the Waterloo Campaign. The volume scanned is undated - I assume it is the 1844 edition.

Siborne is the most authoritative source on the dispositions of troops before and during the battle of Waterloo (also known as the battle of Belle-Alliance). As well as writing his History, he made a detailed model of the battlefield of Waterloo, showing 72,000 French troops, 68,000 British, and 48,000 Prussian. He came under great pressure from the Duke of Wellington to play down the rôle of Blücher's Prussian forces in the battle, and under this pressure, eventually removed 40,000 of the Prussians from his model.

Recent editions of History of the Waterloo Campaign are available from and

Further information.

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